Why Pediatric Ophthalmology?

Why Pediatric Ophthalmology? 

Make a lifelong difference for your patients. 

Earn a great living. 

Practice how you want, where you want. 

These are just a few of the benefits pediatric ophthalmology can offer YOU. Whether you’re a medical student testing the waters of a medical specialty, or an ophthalmology resident ready to jump in, AAPOS has the resources you need. 


Learn More

Want to chat?

Operators, in this case AAPOS members, are standing by. No high-pressure sales pitchit’s literally a chat, a chance to speak with a practicing pediatric ophthalmologist to ask questions about training, practice, work-life balance, and what they enjoy most about their career.  Learn more about:

  • Job Shadowing
  • Mentoring
  • Away Rotation

Complete the form below to request your chat, and don’t worry, we’re happy to work around your schedule. 

Want to go deeper? Request an AAPOS mentor. 

If you’re already planning to pursue ophthalmology, and perhaps even a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship, then you might consider AAPOS’ Pediatric Ophthalmology Mentoring Program (POM). Interested mentees can complete the POM application form or participate in our informal mentoring program by clicking on the button below. We’ll work to match you with a member based on your practice style (academic or private), geographic preference, subspecialty interests, or any other factor important to you.