All Children See

National Eye Health Organizations 

These organizations that focus on preventing eye disease, finding treatments, or helping those in need-
are not affiliated with All Children See or the American Association for 
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Nor does their inclusion imply an endorsement.

American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national nonprofit working to expand possibilities for people with vision loss. Their website offers a message board for discussion.


Lighthouse International

Founded in 1905, Lighthouse International provides clinical services, education, research, and advocacy programs.


Lions International

A worldwide service member organization dedicated to sight conservation. “Our members do whatever is needed to help their local communities.”


National Association for Visually Handicapped (NAVH)

NAVH offers training in the use of and access to a wide variety of optical aids and lighting; a large print, nationwide, free-by-mail loan library; large print educational materials; quarterly newsletter; referrals; self-help groups and educational outreach.


National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind has been the leading source for helping blind and low vision people find the resources, support, and hope they need to lead productive and fulfilling lives. Their website includes resources providing not only information concerning vision loss, but also information that reflects high-expectations, promotes self-confidence, and provides inspiration for blind and low vision people and their loved ones.

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