
Call for Nominations: 2025 Gunter K. von Noorden Young Investigator Award

By Ashley Crunstedt posted 06-04-2024 06:50


Submit a Nomination Today! 

In an effort to promote and acknowledge research in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus by young investigators, the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) awards an annual prize.

The award is designed to provide promising young investigators increased exposure and recognition within the scientific and medical community.


  • Applicant is within 12 years of completing a pediatric ophthalmology fellowship or a doctoral degree if a non-clinician.
  • Concentration of research efforts in the field of pediatric ophthalmology or strabismus.

Award Winner

  • Invited to make an 8-minute oral platform presentation at the March 2025 AAPOS Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah - USA. 
  • Receives a certificate of recognition and a $1000 monetary prize.
  • Invited to submit the presentation for publication in the Journal of AAPOS.


  • Any AAPOS member may nominate a candidate for this award. The letter should be submitted with the application packet.
  • Members are limited to one nomination per selection year and may not nominate themselves for the award.
  • The nominating letter should include a brief description of the nominee’s work, as well as its impact on pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.

Nominee Application Packet

Please include the following documents in your application packet:

  • Nomination letter
  • A (second) letter of recommendation from an ophthalmologist or vision scientist who has worked closely with the candidate.
  • Nominee’s current curriculum vitae
  • Copies of published papers (Maximum of 3)
  • Statement of Future Goals and Research Plans (specifically demonstrating the applicant’s reason(s) for interest in vision research)

Final Note

  • Deadline to receive nomination applications is August 2, 2024
  • Award recipient to be notified by end of September 2024. 

For further information, please contact

Submit Nomination Application

