2024 Abstract Submissions

Abstract Submissions

Important Dates

  • Electronic Abstract Submission Open: August 25, 2023
  • Deadline for Abstract Submission: October 2, 2023 (8pm EST)
  • Deadline for current fellows to submit final abstract directly to Maria Schweers: October 23, 2023 (see below for more information)
  • Notification of abstract acceptance: December 2023


An optometrist may participate in the AAPOS annual meeting if they are an invited speaker on a symposium or a presenting or listed co-author on a selected poster or paper.  Optometrists may not be the presenting author on topics related to surgery or ophthalmic procedures. (Policy Revised 1.12.2022)


Instruction Summary for Paper or Poster Abstracts

Please be sure to view the full instructions on the abstract submission form prior to submitting. 

The structure of a paper or poster abstract should include succinct statements, which cover the following areas:

  • INTRODUCTION – the problem and/or purpose of the study
  • METHODS – how the problem was studied including the number of subjects
  • RESULTS – principal data and appropriate statistical analysis
  • CONCLUSION(S) / RELEVANCE – what conclusions are supported by the results and what are the implications for clinical practice and future research?
  • REFERENCES – at least one and no more than three references are required, using Journal of AAPOS/AMA style

If a series is to be presented, it is preferable to report the number of subjects in the abstract. Please refrain from promissory declarations such as “further experiments are being conducted.” Lack of data is viewed negatively by the Program Committee. Also, case reports will generally not be accepted, unless they present novel information, and if accepted, will typically be considered only as posters.

  • The maximum length of the body of the abstract (introduction, methods, results, and conclusion) is 250 words.  Abstracts exceeding this word limit will NOT be reviewed by the committee.
  • Please do not include specific device names in the title of the abstract. Devices can be included in the body of the abstract.

Please review your abstract carefully before submitting it, particularly for typographical errors. The abstracts are reviewed in a masked fashion. Please keep identifying information (names, institutions, location of institution) out of the body of the abstract.

Deadline for Fellows

The AAPOS Program Committee is aware of the tight timeline encountered by fellows when submitting an abstract for the annual AAPOS meeting. The fact that fellowships begin in July, coupled with the need for IRB approval of projects, can make it difficult for a new fellow to submit a completed and detailed abstract by the conventional deadline. The deadline is early because the Program Committee reviews and grades abstracts prior to their fall meeting when final decisions are made. CME application is then generally completed by early December to ensure that our members receive full CME credit for all abstracts.

To accommodate the delayed route: 

  • The Program Committee will save a pre-selected number of paper and poster positions for potential fellow presentations.
  • The fellow is still required to submit an abstract with at least the title and author information by the October 2nd deadline with completed financial disclosures forms for each author. They would then click a box on the electronic submission form stating that this is a fellow presentation and that the final version will be submitted to Maria Schweers by the October 23rd deadline.
  • The fellowship director will provide a statement verifying that the first author is currently a fellow and that the research project is underway.
  • Although this route of submission gives the fellow more time to submit a completed abstract, it is possible, depending on the number and quality of standard versus late submissions, that a later submission may result in a lower chance of the abstract being accepted.

Fellowship Research Award


To be awarded annually if a suitable candidate is identified. Winner to receive a cash award of $750. Additionally:

  • Recipient can only win the award once.
  • Applicant must be current fellow, or within one year following completion of fellowship
  • Applicant must be presenting work done during fellowship training
  • Applicants must be within the first 3 years of a clinical fellowship training program in pediatric ophthalmology
  • Applicants can apply by checking the abstract form at the time of submission
  • Research committee to select top candidates for review, final selection, and winner announcement at the annual meeting