PRINT VERSION Monofixation Syndrome (MFS) What is Monofixation syndrome? Monofixation syndrome (MFS) is an eye movement problem. People with MFS can have: Eyes that are mostly straight Some 3D vision Slightly blurry vision in one eye It can happen in kids or adults....
Print Version Delayed Visual Maturation see also Cerebral Visual Impairment Understanding Delayed Visual Maturation (DVM) DVM is when a baby's eyesight is slow to develop. This problem is seen in the first year of a baby's life. Signs of DVM: In the first few months...
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Print Version Vision Therapy WHAT IS VISION THERAPY? “Vision therapy” is a term used by optometrists. Optometrists define vision therapy as an attempt to develop or improve visual skills and abilities; improve visual comfort, ease, and how well the eyes work; and change visual...
Print Version Williams Syndrome WHAT IS WILLIAMS SYNDROME? Williams syndrome is a rare disorder that affects development and different parts of the body including blood vessels, heart, and joints. It is characterized by intellectual disability and distinct facial features. About 1 in 7...
Print Version Print Version (In Arabic) See ‘ Progressive (High) Myopia ’ for the definition. During childhood, myopia (nearsightedness) is typically treated with glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery, such as LASIK or PRK, is typically used in adults once the glasses...
Print Version Vision Screening Vision screening is a way to find children who might have eye problems or vision issues. The goal is to find problems early so they can be fixed. Screenings happen at schools, doctor offices, and in the community. If there is a concern about vision, how the...
Print Version Trichiasis WHAT IS TRICHIASIS? Usually, eyelashes grow away from the eye. But sometimes they can grow toward the eye instead. When this happens, it’s called trichiasis. This can be a problem because the eyelashes might touch the eye, causing irritation or even scarring. ...
Print Version Thyroid Eye Disease WHAT IS THE THYROID? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland on the front of the neck. It makes a hormone that controls how your body uses energy, your metabolism. It controls how fast or slow your body works. WHAT ARE EUTHYROID, HYPERTHYROID, AND...
Print Version Third Nerve Palsy WHAT IS A THIRD NERVE PALSY or weakness? The third cranial nerve controls how the eye moves and looks. It moves four of the six muscles. These muscles help move the eye up, down, in and around. The third nerve also helps make the pupil smaller and lift...
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