Pediatric Low Vision Rehabilitation Resources

Low Vision Resources

Low Vision Patient and Family Resource Information Sheet

The Importance of Vision:
Why is the vision so important? What special role does it play in learning and guiding development from the moment of birth? What is the value of good visual functioning? How does vision affect and impact the development and activities of daily living of children and adolescents?

School Design & Vision Impairment:
The development of a new school for children with multiple disabilities and visual and hearing dual sensory impairment presents particular challenges in design, equipment and staffing. The environment of the school should ideally allow children to be as in dependent as possible. The design of the school needs to take into account the sensory and central processing functions of the children so that the impediments caused by these limitations are minimized. Such an approach is likely to lead to enhanced learning with fewer resources and should therefore prove both beneficial for the children and cost efficient. This paper provides a preliminary set of ideas from the perspective of an ophthalmologist who looks after these children.

Knights Templar Eye Foundation, Pediatric Ophthalmology Education Center, Low Vision Resources

Courses, webinars, videos other resources, to trainers and professionals working with the visually impaired as well as for visually impaired learners themselves.

Website with webinars on children with visual impairment and visual development.

National Resources

The American Foundation for the Blind:
Textbooks associated with education of children with CVI.

The American Printing House for the Blind:
Products for students with CVI.

Vision Aware:
Locate services near you.

American Council of the Blind:
Scholarships, Resources, Events

Prevent Blindness:
Advocacy, Education, Outreach

Lighthouse Guild:
Resources, E-Learning

Centers for  Disease Control  and Prevention (CDC):
Clinical Trials

National Eye Institute:
Performs and supports vision research and education programs that protect and prolong vision.

Foundation Fighting Blindness:
Funder of Retinal Disease research.

The Perkins School for the Blind:
Offers on-line courses, lectures and informational sessions.


AAPOS CVI Webinar: Expert Panel from Pediatric Ophthalmology and Neuro-Ophthalmology and Parent Perspective

AAPOS Pediatric Low Vision: Helping You Help Your Patients 

Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) Scotland:
CVI Scotland is devoted to helping people understand cerebral visual impairments, and together working towards beginning to master this complex spectrum of conditions.

CVI Information Day Presentation:
A fifty minute video of Gordon Dutton's presentation at a CVI Information Day that offers a comprehensive introduction to vision and cerebral visual impairments.

Sharing & Developing Our Understanding of CVI:
Guide for Parents

Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society
The mission of the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society (“the Society”) is to advocate for improvement in the quality of life of children with vision loss due to brain disorder, disease or injury. The mission is restricted to matters concerning the sense of vision.

Perkins CVI Resources for Medical Professionals:
Expand your knowledge of Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) through resources tailored for medical professionals. Learn about the latest research, assessment tools, and strategies to improve outcomes for individuals with CVI. Discover expert-driven content designed to enhance your clinical practice and empower your work with patients and families navigating CVI.

Strategy To See’s:
The mission is to provide strategies, suggestions and techniques to parents, caretakers, teachers and other action heroes, who hope to encourage more consistent and efficient use of vision in children with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment.

CVI Connect:
iPad app for CVI and a community of professionals and technology that offer hope and confidence in the form of personalized education for children with CVI


List of High Yield Journal Articles and References


Facebook groups

Parent Support Groups

Seizure Disorders

Brain Recovery Project:
Organization designed to help children reach their full potential after brain surgery to stop seizures.

Vision After Hemispherectomy, TPO Disconnection, and Occipital Lobectomy:
An Introductory Guide

Vision Evaluations after Epilepsy Surgery

Zika Virus

Zika Care Connect:
The Zika Care Connect website contains information to help pregnant women and families find the appropriate healthcare professional and resources that can address their specific needs.

  • Healthcare Professional Network – a searchable database of healthcare specialists who provide care for pregnant women and infants affected by Zika
  • Healthcare specialties include maternal-fetal medicine, mental health, audiology, radiology, pediatric ophthalmology, pediatric neurology, developmental pediatrics, infectious disease, and endocrinology
  • HelpLine – a call line staffed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET by professionals who can help answer questions and provide referrals to healthcare professionals in the Zika Care Connect network
  • Downloadable Materials for Patients, Families, and Healthcare Professionals – fact sheets, charts, checklists and other documents about Zika
  • Frequently Asked Questions – answers to common questions about Zika and Zika Care Connect