Allied Health

Vision Screening Recommendations

Nurse and Primary Care Lectures

Pediatric Vision Screening: Guidelines for Effective and Efficient Vision Screening in Children

This PowerPoint lecture was created by Drs. Daniel Neely and Geoff Bradford on behalf of the AAPOS Vision Screening Committee and is perfect for educating primary care physicians and school nurses. It details the importance of vision screening and provides AAPOS approved guidelines for both visual acuity chart screening and the appropriate use of photoscreening devices.

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Pediatric Ophthalmology for School Nurses: What You Need to Know

Presented at the School Nurse Symposium at the 2010 AAPOS Annual Meeting.

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This PowerPoint lecture is approximately 90 minutes in duration and includes 3 talks:
  • Common Causes of Red Eye in the Pediatric Population by Jane C. Edmond MD
  • Reading, Dyslexia and Vision by Sheryl M. Handler, MD
  • Vision Screening and Vision Screening Devices by Daniel E. Neely, MD

Efficient and Effective School Vision Screening by Kathy Lee, MD

School Nurse Outreach

How Can You Reach Out to Your School Nurses? Email Jane Edmond, MD for advice for creating an educational program and identifying potential sponsoring organizations.

AAPOS recognizes and rewards these initiatives. An honor point is available to those who lecture to school nurses in a formal setting.

Please contact Tara Barker for more information or refer to the AAPOS Policy and Procedure manual.